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2018's Mentoring Scheme Underway!

Our fourth Speed Mentoring Event was kindly hosted by DAC Beachcroft on 24th January 2018 where more than 60 mentors and mentees attended. The event was kicked-off by introductory talks on mentoring by James Deacon from DAC Beachcroft and one of NGIN’s own mentors, Paul Jones, who talked about his own mentoring experiences. This was followed by eight rounds of speed mentoring each lasting 10 minutes and then networking drinks.

The evening enabled enthusiastic young professionals with 1-2 years’ experience meet experienced insurance professionals who have volunteered to support and provide invaluable insight and advice into their career. Mentors and mentees had a range of backgrounds such as underwriting, broking, legal and claims.

The event was a great success and we matched everyone who attended based on their feedback. This was a total of 36 pairs including the additional pool of mentors.

NGIN have provided mentors and mentees with information packs and action plans to help with the next stages of the scheme which itself lasts between three and six months, depending on individual preferences. It is a two way relationship with both parties benefiting through the development of their skill sets and at least, a few new, fantastic additions to their network!

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