Stay Fit in 2017
For the past month gyms have been packed as people tried to shed that excess Christmas weight, as well as sticking to their New Year’s resolution. Here at NGIN, we want to give you some great tips for sticking to that resolution the rest of the year.

There are so many different workouts, diets and opinions on what’s best to get fit quickly and easily. It’s really just as simple our three Cs: Consistency, Cardio and Cuisine.
Whatever you decide you’re going to do this year, set practical and achievable targets – ‘’Rome wasn’t built in a day’’. It’s not going to be easy in the beginning but after the first couple of weeks it’ll start to feel natural, so just stick at it.
Don’t forget, even the small things you do every week can have a massive difference. Replace that crème filled venti Starbucks’ with a smaller size and crème free. Make healthy choices a lifestyle.
Cardio is your fat loss king. Sir David John "Dave" Brailsford, CBE is a British cycling coach who believes that there’s nothing better than good, old cardio to get rid of that winter fat. Why not mix it up a bit? You can run, swim, cycle, row, or step. All you need is 10-20 minutes, 2-4 times a week and you will do phenomenal things to your waistline.
Pro tip: if you haven’t started sweating a third of the way though, up the intensity by increasing your speed or resistance.
Well they say ‘’you are what you eat’’. Our advice is you don’t have to change anything too crazy with what you consume already. Unless you have a tendency to frequent McDonalds; if so, get the hell out of there right now before you have a heart attack!

Instead of making an unrealistic diet plan that requires you to give up your full time job to move in to your kitchen, look at what you already eat and make small improvements every week. It could be cutting down on sugary drinks, giving up unhealthy snacks, reducing complex carbs, eating more lean meat etc.
To help you stick to these tips, NGIN will be launching its very own running club next month - watch out for more details in our March newsletter!
Getting fit this year is as simple as: #Consistency #Cardio #Cuisine – follow @NGINLDN for more great tips!