Where do you work?
Starstone (formally Torus) – A global speciality insurer
What do you do?
Group Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)
What and where did you study?
I studied Business and Management (B.Sc) Hons at the Dublin Institute of Technology
How did you come to be in insurance?
I fell into it, as is the story with most of the people you meet in insurance! While looking for a job for my university work secondment in Perth, Australia back in 2011, I applied for a position as a broker and the rest, as they say, is history.
We know you’re from Ireland, so how did you end up in London?
When I came back from Australia to finish my degree in Dublin, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in insurance. In my final year of university, I decided to apply for graduate programmes in London (with it being known as the insurance capital of the world) with hopes of coming here upon graduating.
Since finishing your graduate programme with Torus, how do you think that undertaking the programme has widened the career opportunities available to you?
Being on a graduate scheme gave me exposure to many classes of insurance, first-hand experience and insight into the London Market. The opportunity to work in different departments within Torus allowed me to network and learn from a broad selection of insurance professional and so gain an all-encompassing view of how the industry works.
What does your current role in Torus involve then?
In a nut shell, I support the Torus business planning function so this largely involves creating business plans and financial forecasts for the Group and also providing high level analysis of these plans. The role requires collaboration with all the functions within the company which compliments the company rotations I undertook during my grad programme.
You used to be head of formal events for NGIN, how does this role vary to your new role as Chair?
As head of formal events, I was responsible for myself and for the events function. Now, as Chair I am responsible for managing the new committee and ensuring all activities undertaken by the committee align with the NGIN vision.
What plans do you have for NGIN this year?
As most of the NGIN community is already aware we have been hard at work this year providing even more events, re-launching our newsletter and introducing our first mentoring scheme. My plan is to keep up this momentum and continue to bring value to our members with even more rewarding networking opportunities.
How do you think young professionals can make the most out of networking events?
It might sound really obvious but actually just make sure you do ‘network’. It’s very easy to go along to events and stay with your colleagues and friends but try not to, at least for some of the event. Go up to people you don’t know and introduce yourself, they’re
there for the exact same reason you are!
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing young professionals in the Insurance market?
In my opinion the most important challenge is ensuring that we, as the next insurance generation, make sure we remain current and relevant and that our processes and practices are kept up to date in an ever changing and dynamic macro environment.
Anything else to say to the NGIN Community?
Please feel free to message me via my Linked In if you would like to chat about anything NGIN or better yet please come and say hello to me at our next event!
You can connect with Jess on her Linked In profile