NGIN hosts a range Formal, Educational, Professional Development and Social Events througout the year for our members and prospective members.
Take a look at what is coming up below, or see what you have missed out on!
Oct 11, 2017
10 Years in Terrorism: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Rich Halstead, War, Terrorism and Political Violence line underwriter at Hiscox discussed the terrorism market and his career to date.
Rich shared insight into some of his biggest mistakes, but also the lessons he learned from them that helped him become successful as a senior underwriter. We also heard about the history of the terrorism market, the products offered and the changing nature of terrorism threats.
Post event networking and drinks provided generously by Hiscox.
Sep 27, 2017
NGIN Pub Quiz
This year's NGIN Pub Quiz took place at Steam Bar.
A fantastic social event to make new market contacts and expand your network with spontaneous dance-offs for good measure.
Jul 26, 2017
Turning Partnerships into Value
A joint event hosted by KPMG and the Next Generation Insurance Network (NGIN) with the support of the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF).
A panel of industry leaders discussed how partnerships can drive real and sustainable value in the insurance industry. Followed by an idea generation session to help you to use the best tools and techniques for building new ideas.
Mar 29, 2017
Negotiation Best Practices
Jason Reeves from Zelle LLP will ran an interactive masterclass focusing on planning and executing your negotiation skills through role play and key concepts.
NGIN members learned practical tips and relevant guidance to improve their negotiation skills in the workplace but also in daily life.
This fully interactive event was held in association with Zelle LLP and RGL Forensics.
Feb 15, 2017
New Year, New Market? Reflections and Predictions
Chaired by Deloitte Partner Mark McIlquham, the session was split into three segments, delving into the past, present and future of the London Insurance Market.
The speakers brought their knowledge and expertise on topical issues affecting the London Insurance Market ranging from M&A activity, the increased volatility of market conditions and the recent challenges of Brexit, as well as discussions around creativity and transformation in the industry as we progress into 2017.
Nov 24, 2016
Brexit: The Impact
International law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP hosted a panel of industry experts to share their views on the impact Brexit may have on the UK insurance sector.
Jul 26, 2016
Big Data and the future of Insruance
This event was hosted by Deloitte in their Shoe Lane offices. The evening saw a panel of experts discuss the impact that Big Data is having on the insurance market, and the regulatory implications that we need to be aware of.
Jun 29, 2016
What's Stopping you?
This event was hosted by XL Catlin featuring Voice At The Table’s Head of Training Academy, Cara Moore, speaking on the topic of career progression.This session explored some of the most common misconceptions, assumptions and limiting beliefs that many of us experience. These include thinking that “it has to be perfect”, the “Imposter Syndrome” and shying away from taking risks in case you fail.
May 10, 2016
From a Cup of Coffee to the Pentagon: Making Change Happen - Working with Lloyd's
DWF Marine Trade & Energy Partner Michael Kingston and Lloyd’s Casualty Performance Executive, Christian Stanley, shared their experiences of working together to shape International Regulation and developments in the Insurance Industry.
Apr 24, 2016
LCP & Guevara: Peer-to-Peer Insurance Model Presentation
This event saw a presentation from financial and business consultants LCP, and start-up Guevara. LCP have been working with Guevara in building a revolutionary peer-to-peer insurance model, which hopes to shake up the industry with its unconventional approach. Andy Tait, Technical Insurance Advisor at Guevara, shared some of the challenges faced as an insurance start-up, and the need for innovation in the industry.
Mar 28, 2016
NGIN and DWF Young Professionals Go Bowling at All Star Lanes
DWF's Young Professionals Group and NGIN came together once again to enjoy a night of bowling drinks & food at All Star Lanes in Brick Lane on Tuesday 29 March 2016.
See the event photos here
Feb 17, 2016
KPMG: Innovation, Emerging Markets and TOM
KPMG Global Head of Insurance, Gary Reader, discussed what Innovation means for Insurance and how the Industry can adapt to continual technological advancements. NGIN also heard from the Lloyd’s TOM (Target Operating Model) project team which led into a discussion around how the Industry can expand into Emerging Markets with Innovative Products.
Click here for further details
Feb 04, 2016
Forget Dry January Party and NGIN Card Launch
To get over the January blues, we invited you to celebrate the launch of our NGIN discount card at FORGE.
Jan 26, 2016
EY: Market Review of 2015
EY once again presented their Insurance Market Review event exclusively for NGIN members following last year's success and popularity. The Head of Specialty Insurance UK plus other Senior Partners discussed the trends, trials and tribulations faced by insurers and brokers alike over the last 12 months in the London Market.
Click here for further details
Oct 28, 2015
What do Milennials Want from the Workplace?
NGIN were at ANV to discuss what millennials are looking for from their career and the workplace, and how the insurance industry can compete to attract and retain millennials. The evening provided a refreshing and inspiring insight into ANV’s commitment to seeking out and developing the next generation of leaders. On the evening ANV Group CEO Lynsey Cross talked us through the group’s own findings, before turning the question around to us: The Millenials.
Aug 18, 2015
The NGIN Summer Party
NGIN in association with the Insurance Institute of London's Young Member's Committee had exlcusive hire of The Kanaola Club and hosted a Hawaiian themed Summer Party for London Market Yound Professionals.
Jun 02, 2015
A New Era of Cyber Risk – Barbican June 2015
The CEO of Barbican, David Reeves,took NGIN through advances in the sector, the role of Social Media and the London Cyber Market.
Apr 29, 2015
NGIN visits Bank of New York Mellon – BNY Mellon April 2015
Paul Traynor, International Head of BNY Mellon’s insurance teams, and Kate Anderson, Client Executive for the Insurance Segment EMEA gave an insight into the role of Banking in Insurance and how the two industries work together.
Click here for further details.
Mar 10, 2015
Business Interruption Event - RGL Forensics March 2015
RGL Forensics explained the key issues that can arise during a BI claim.The event took members on a journey through a BI claim from start to finish and demonstrated the overall approach to reaching a successful outcome for insurers and insureds.
Feb 09, 2015
Risky Business – Why it pays to be Different – Gen Re February 2015
Joaquin Orejas, Senior Vice President at Gen Re spoke to NGIN about why it pays to be different in this market through developing a successful risk taking culture and how behavioural biases affect our personal and professional decision making processes.
Jan 26, 2015
The Insurance Market Review of 2014 – EY January 2015
Ben Reid, Director in EY’s Specialty Insurance & Reinsurance business spoke exclusively to NGIN members on the trends, trials and tribulations faced by insurers and brokers alike over the last 12 months in the London Market.
Did you know that NGIN members are, statistically, 44% more beautiful than the average insurance young professional?*
This means that through attending one of NGIN’s superb formal or social events you consent to the occasional photograph being taken and put on our website. you would like to discuss this, please contact us as soon as possible at
Please note that by signing up for an event you will be added to the fantastic NGIN mailing list. Click here to join anyway.
* We’re not sure about the exact figure, so please don’t e-mail us asking for evidence!
Previous Events
Upcoming Events

Nov 16, 2017
Entering the Great Unknown
With Trump on the warpath, tension building over Brexit and continued volatility in the commodity markets, the global economy is facing greater uncertainty than perhaps ever before.
Paul Hodges, Global Expert with the World Economic Forum, regular writer for the FT and Founder of International eChem will guide us through these economic shifts, examining the real world effects of political policy and current events, linking this back to changes in the(re)insurance markets.
The presentation will be followed by networking and drinks generously provided by Munich Re.
Time: Registration from 5.30pm. Event starts at 6pm.
Location: Munich Re, Plantation Place, 30 Fenchurch Street
Get your ticket here
We expect this to be a very popular event, giving members a rare chance to hear from a highly experienced forecaster on current events. The event has limited capacity so we would encourage booking tickets early to avoid missing out.
We want your questions answered! If you have a question that you would like to be considered, please send it to us at